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Krav Maga is the ultimate adult martial arts program

It takes all the traditionally taught martial arts combat strategies and self defense techniques and applies them to real world situations.

Krav was originally developed for use by the Israeli military. It combines techniques from boxing, savate, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, and grappling.

The primary goal of Krav Maga is to neutralize the threat as quickly and efficiently as possible. There is very little fighting etiquette to learn and an emphasis is placed on being able to react out of instinct with proper self defense & attack moves during any physical confrontation, as well as during armed robberies.

We routinely train in disarming guns, but do not think that you need to be a police officer to get the most out of this program! The real skills we teach are based on how to avoid situations that might put you in harm's way.

We do all this while burning tons of calories, getting the best shape of our lives, and most importantly having FUN!

Krav Maga will help you improve your physical fitness while teaching
you awareness and self-defense skills you can use in the real world.

Joining the latest fitness craze
usually leads to boredom & disappointment.

Finding a fitness routine you can enjoy should not be a difficult task.

Krav Maga will help you improve your physical fitness while teaching you awareness and self-defense skills you can use in the real world.

Martial Arts Inspired ATA Martial Arts


However, as adults we have all experienced the initial enthusiasm for new workout routines, only to find ourselves bored or uninspired before long.

What if you could get in shape, but also learn how to protect yourself and your family in the unfortunate case you might find yourselves in danger? The unfortunate reality is that it’s not IF you might find yourself in danger, but rather WHEN.

Even if you are confident in your self defense skills or feel protected because you carry a weapon, what if you had the AWARENESS SKILLS to size up a situation before it ever takes place? Krav Maga is a unique program that truly teaches Self Defense for the Real World.

Krav Maga is not a traditional martial art. No katas. No rituals. Based on simple principles and instinctive movements, this reality-based system is designed to teach real self defense in the shortest possible time. Learn to defend against common chokes, grabs, and bear hugs, as well as weapons such as guns, knives and sticks. These are many of the same strategies that police officers use when in a threatening situation.


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FACT: 1 out of 1000 Adults in the United States Will Be Assaulted This Year:


Every 18 seconds a burglary takes place in the United States.


14.3% of armed robberies take place in a home.


Every 98 Seconds an American is sexually assaulted.



Start Learning Krav Maga Today and Learn to Defend Yourself

Empower Yourself • Transform Your Body • Gain Confidence for Yourself & Your Family


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